Relax. Breathe. Recharge.

Sanitize and recharge your everyday objects

Empty your mind.

Designed to welcome you back home. RING sanitizes all that you carry with you, every single day. Simply empty your pockets, let go and leave the day behind. The time to relax is now.

Every single day millions of contaminants cling to your watch, wallet, mobile, or the keys in your pocket.

You then bring all of this back home. RING is somewhere you can store and sanitize your objects as soon as you come home, without losing them and before viruses and bacteria have the chance to spread.

up to 0 %

of viruses, bacteria, PM 2-5 - 10 VOX, pollen, fungi, mildew and odors removed with the photocatalysis process

UV led lights irradiate metal membranes to create hydroxyl groups (OH)
Combined with relative humidity in the air (H2O), hydroxyl groups form hydrogen peroxide molecules (H2O2)
Hydrogen peroxide spreads throughout the compartment and deposits on objects stored in RING
The LED indicates the sanitation status of objects

RING sanitizes objects thanks to photocatalysis

This process combines UV rays with certain noble metals to generate hydrogen peroxide, which reduces polluting agents.

Knock down percentage of the viral load

It only takes 60 minutes of sanitizing activity to knock down viral load from 75% up to 99%. Tests, conducted with pre- and post-sanitization surface swabs, demonstrate the effectiveness of the device on different types of surfaces: wood, plastic, leather, glass, steel, texture*

* Tests performed on three bacterial strains: Aspergillus Brasiliensis, Enterococcus Faecalis, Candida Albicans.

*Wood Surface

It only takes 60 minutes of sanitizing activity to knock down viral load from 75% up to 99%. Tests, conducted with pre- and post-sanitization surface swabs, demonstrate the effectiveness of the device on different types of surfaces: wood, plastic, leather, glass, steel, texture*

* Tests performed on three bacterial strains: Aspergillus Brasiliensis, Enterococcus Faecalis, Candida Albicans.

*Wood Surface

Rest is


RING seamlessly blends in with the style of your home:

it is discreet, elegant and useful.

What at first glance appears to be a pocket emptier is actually so much more to you.

Let nature recharge you

No filters required for operation and sanitization: it works using the same technology as nature, without producing any waste requiring disposal or consumption limits.

If your smartphone* battery is running low, RING will recharge it by means of induction.

*For induction enabled smartphones and compatible mobile phones only
RING is perfect for everyone: we all carry objects that are useful or of sentimental value to us. Icoxair has developed a superlatively designed object fitted with an extremely powerful technology, which protects all that we need and hold dear.

With RING you will always have somewhere safe for your objects at home, as you let go and leave the day behind