Icona Design Group and Sanixair, companies operating in the design and sanitation sectors, joined forces in late 2021 to create the Icoxair joint venture. In recent years and with the Covid 19 pandemic, the topic of how people interact with the surrounding environment has returned to the fore.

As with all things that are fundamental for life,
clean air is felt and not seen
Sanixair has focused on developing the most natural sanitation technologies: photocatalysis and ionization.
Icona Design has created an elegant shape for Sanixair technology, one that is functional for everyone’s life, whenever and wherever.

Both these visions have culminated in Icoxair products that enrich your life indoors and beyond with a new and stylish object, making the environment a safer place for you to live in.

Emotions are stronger when experienced together: are you ready to safely revel in them all?

Different skills must be integrated in order to build the world of tomorrow

If you are not rousing emotions or interest, then you are failing